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  Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6
Year 10 This term secures students’ understanding of binary & hexadecimal numbers from year 9, introduces them to simple Boolean logic circuits and truth tables, and looks at why and how text, images and sound are encoded into binary This term focuses on taught algorithms, algorithm design and programming fundamentals, including the use of flowcharts and pseudo code, basic programming constructs, data types, and data structures including arrays, dictionaries and tuples This term focuses on developing modular and robust programs, including the role of procedures, functions, validation, verification, sanitisation and authentication, using a range of small programming tasks This term further develops students’ programming skills and introduces them to file handling, simple interface design and the use of SQL. Students also learn about programming languages the different methods of code translation. This term focuses on the role of iterative, terminal, black box and white box testing before giving students the opportunity to tackle a more substantial programming project using the skills developed to date. The programming project remains the focus in the final term of Year 10.
Year 11 This term focuses on the Von Neumann architecture’s Fetch-Decode-Execute cycle and the role of primary and secondary storage This term focuses on the ethical, legal and moral implications of technology and the role of system software. This term develops students’ understanding of computer networks, including topologies, protocols and networking hardware Term 4 continues with the network topic, focusing on wired versus wireless networks, before the final topic of the year: Cyber Security Term 5 focuses on developing students’ examination technique and preparing them for their terminal examinations  
Links to Schemes of Learning documents will be added as relevant throughout the year. Project titles may be subject to change.