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Rewards and Sanctions


Praising and rewarding students raises their self-esteem, helps them to learn to accept praise with good grace, enables them to appreciate their strengths and to recognise the success of others. In addition to verbally acknowledging pupils’ efforts, staff award merits to students both in and out of the classroom across 3 broad categories: excellent attitude to learning, excellent attainment and services to the community. Merits are counted weekly, and contribute towards our Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum Awards. Individuals’ merit totals contribute towards the total for the weekly inter-form trophy and the prestigious house cup. 

Positive behaviour, attainment and effort may also be recognised informally through staff praise and encouragement or formally, for example through postcards home, individual subject badges, attendance certificates and sporting colours. Achievement may be celebrated in school assemblies, newsletters, prizegiving, the Governors’ Report and the local press.

Students in Y8-10 also have the opportunity to work towards a Junior, Intermediate or Senior challenge award. The aim of these awards is to challenge students to embrace the opportunities available across the school, and to extend their cultural capital, as well as develop skills that will prepare them for the next steps in their lives.


Sanctions are necessary to maintain positive behaviour and are used when necessary. Misdemeanours are logged electronically by staff on each student’s record.  Form tutors monitor this regularly and students record the total in their planner. A range of sanctions is used, including detention and individual reports.
