PTA Uniform Shop

"Mum I don't have a clean shirt." Is this a familiar line? Stressed out about getting uniform ready last minute? Then you need 'pre-loved' uniform! A fraction of the price of new! Help your stress levels, help the environment, help the PTA to raise funds for school! It's a win-win situation! So don't delay click the link today and order your 'pre-loved' uniform!
PTA Uniform Shop
Our stock list is updated regularly and orders can be placed via e-mail, please visit: Uniform For Sale ( A link to our stock list is available from the Uniform page of the school website or follow the email link on Padlet site for details of how to donate uniform
All proceeds from our Pre-Loved Uniform sales go directly towards supporting our school and students through the PTA.
Please consider donating used, yet still usable uniform to the PTA. All items of uniform that are clean, in good condition and of the current pattern (apart from socks and tights) are welcomed. We politely request that items are washed before donation as we have no central washing facility.
Items can be donated at any time by depositing them in the uniform hamper located in M2 (D&T)
Mrs B Fleming
PTA Chair