
If your child is absent from school, please telephone the Student Absence Line (01529 414044) or message through MCAS as early as possible on the first day of absence and any subsequent days thereafter.
If you know in advance that your child will need time off school (e.g. for a hospital or dentist appointment) they should have a note written in the planner on the day of absence and show it before the lesson starts to the class teacher who will allow them to leave lesson at the given time. You do not need to inform us via email or telephone unless your child will not be in school for morning registration.
If your child is going to leave school in the middle of a morning or afternoon session, they must sign out at Reception and, if they are returning to school, sign in on return. A note in the planner is needed in order to let your child leave school for an appointment during the school day. It is important we know whether a student is in school at any given moment for safeguarding reasons.
Thank you for your support.