Youthbridge Deakin Awards for Excellence in German 2021-2022

Before the Christmas break, Year 9 explored the different traditions in Germany, Austria and Switzerland as part of the Youthbridge Deakin Awards for Excellence in German 2021-2022 which is run annually by the British-German Association. Students were asked to research the traditions and create an entry to the competition which raises awareness of these traditions which would inspire other students to take an interest in them.
We had some really excellent, creative entries from across the Year 9 forms, and 3 entries in each form were chosen as the top 3; these entries were then judged against each other and 3 overall winners were chosen. These students’ work was detailed, imaginative in its presentation, and really wowed us in the German Department. The winners will receive a prize from the British-German Association in due course. Penny’s video about the tradition surrounding St Nikolaus’ Day on 6 December incorporated both story-telling and facts to engage an audience; Rosie’s fairy tale about the December traditions was beautifully presented with lots of pictures to accompany her text; Freya’s poster was imaginative in its presentation and demonstrated what can be done with a piece of A3 paper! Well done to all those who took part and special congratulations to the winners!
Mr L Rooke
Subject Leader - German