Growth Mindset

Staff are invited to nominate students who have demonstrated a Growth Mindset in the past few weeks. This might have been in lessons, in clubs, tutor time or simply around school. Please note we already award bi-annual subject badges and merits for good academic work, effort and improvement. These Growth Mindset nominations recognise those who show resilience (academic or otherwise); who aren’t afraid to get things wrong and learn from it; those who have a go, take themselves out of their comfort zone or show that even if a task is tough, they will persevere.
Student | Form | Subject | Staff |
Hala Elsherbiney | 8F | Technology | Mrs B Fleming |
Winter Evans | 8F | Pastoral | Mr L Rooke |
Emily Forman | 8F | Pastoral | Mr L Rooke |
Hattie Lennard | 8F | Science | Mr N Periam |
Amelia Lock | 8F | Science | Mr N Periam |
Khadija Farhan | 8W | English | Ms M Padden |
Ellie Thornton | 8W | English | Ms M Padden |
Sophie Wyness | 8W | English | Ms M Padden |
Sophia Maione | 9FJ | English | Ms A Natley |
Mila Adamson | 9HB | Technology | Mrs B Fleming |
Sophia Barry | 9HB | Geography | Mrs S Livingstone |
Sophie Sedlan | 9HB | Geography | Mrs S Livingstone |
Marty McQuade-Smith | 9PA | Pastoral | Mrs J Pankhurst |
Ellie Baldwin | 10A | Pastoral | Mrs A Kopsidas |
Beth Kinnear | 10A | Technology | Mrs J Pankhurst |
Elizabeth Jones | 10L | History | Miss S Gray |
Amy Lamming | 10L | History | Mr D Dennis |
Erin Peace | 10L | History | Mr D Dennis |
Esme Blakemore | 11A | Business Studies | Mrs E Taylor |
Courtney Corringan | 11A | Physics | Mr S Norris |
Lizzy Frankish | 11F | Business Studies | Mrs E Taylor |
Lily Samuell | 11F | Physics | Mr R Stone |
Em O'Byrne | 11L | Physics | Mr R Stone |
Paloma Sykes | 11L | Science | Mrs L Cook |
Keona Smakaj | 11W | Science | Mr S Norris |
Jannine Pare | 12CGS | Physics | Mr S Norris |
Lucy Adams | 13F | English Literature | Mr J Cassidy |
Lola O'Callaghan | 13L | English Literature | Mr J Cassidy |