Growth Mindset
Staff are invited to nominate students who have demonstrated a Growth Mindset in the past few weeks. This might have been in lessons, in clubs, in tutor time or simply around school. Please note we already award bi-annual subject badges and merits for good academic work, effort and improvement. These Growth Mindset nominations recognise those who show resilience (academic or otherwise); who aren’t afraid to get things wrong and learn from it; those who have a go, take themselves out of their comfort zone or show that even if a task is tough, they will persevere.
Student | Form | Teacher | Subject |
Beatrix Li | 7F | Mr L Rooke | German |
Sophie Long | 7F | Ms H Renard | Mathematics |
Khadija Farhan | 7W | Mrs H Kasperczyk | Music |
Kamilé Stonciute | 7W | Mr L Rooke | German |
Issie Thorpe | 7W | Mrs H Kasperczyk | Music |
Evelyn Russell | 8FJ | Miss S Gray | History |
Isabel Bury | 8HB | Ms H Renard | Mathematics |
Hattie Couzens | 8HB | Mrs B Fleming | Technology |
Isabelle Hudson | 8PA | Mrs B Fleming | Technology |
Molly Bide | 9A | Mrs S Livingstone | Geography |
Abbie Day | 9F | Mrs M Watts | Pastoral |
Cisha Nash | 9L | Mrs S Livingstone | Geography |
Esme Blakemore | 10A | Mrs E Taylor | Business Studies |
Bella Holmes | 10A | Mr R Stone | Physics |
Libby Hampshire | 10F | Mr N Periam | Chemistry |
Lily Samuell | 10F | Mr R Stone | Physics |
Heidi Madden | 10L | Mrs K Fairhead | Biology |
Isla Spencer | 10W | Mrs K Fairhead | Biology |
Niamh O'Grady | 11LM | Mrs E Taylor | Business Studies |
Imogen Parkinson | 11LM | Miss S Gray | History |
Ruby Redmile | 11LM | Mrs E Constantine | History |
Jessica Robinson | 11LM | Miss S Chant | Geography |
Jessica Robinson | 11LM | Mrs E Constantine | Pastoral |
Hannah-May Sadler | 11LM | Mrs K Brown | Mathematics |
Rachel Shields | 11LM | Mr A Shivas | French |
Lydia Heppell | 11LR | Mrs M McGann | Physical Education |
Paige Hobbs | 11LR | Miss N Byrne | Mathematics |
Lydia Jones | 11LR | Mrs K Brown | Mathematics |
Aminah Khan | 11LR | Mrs L Martin | Biology |
Isabel Lee | 11LR | Mrs L Martin | Biology |
Isla McQuade-Smith | 11LR | Miss S Chant | Geography |
Sophie Monaghan | 11LR | Mrs M McGann | Physcial Education |
Alice Bailey | 11NP | Mr N Periam | Biology |
Alexa Wadsley | 13L | Mrs F Jays | Business |