New Views playwriting competition news

The English department are delighted to announce that one of our students has, once again, been recognised by the National Theatre’s New Views programme for her playwriting talent. Nancy has been long listed for her play ‘Conversations with the Conscience’. We offer our sincere congratulations to Nancy and all of the students who worked so hard to complete their plays and put them forward to the National Theatre judging panel.
The playwright, Ash Lolo was very complementary about Nancy’s play.
She said ‘you have produced an outstanding piece of theatre. Your idea has been well executed and the story gripped me from start to finish. I’m thrilled you gave it your best effort and it has paid off massively. I want to encourage you to keep on writing plays and also experiment with other styles of writing such as poetry and screenwriting. You have a natural talent, and I can’t wait to see what you do with it.’
Mrs Cowell and Miss Natley will be running the programme again next year, so they will be looking for suitable candidates from Year 10 and Year 12 in September.