Cranwell Primary School Experience Day
Friday 10 June was not a regular Friday for the members of the Young Journalists Club here at KSHS – instead, it was our first opportunity to showcase our journalism skills beyond Sleaford! With microphones, clipboards and chocolate prizes, we set off for an experience day at Cranwell Primary School.
As soon as we arrived, we noticed that the school was a hive of exciting activity. Available sessions included the likes of handbell ringing, origami, acting, bridge building and slime making – Lilly Rose got involved with that last one!
But what is the experience day all about? Miss Hills, a class teacher at the school, said, “Cranwell experience day is a day that allows the children to try new things that they have never tried before, with specialists to help them, which will hopefully encourage them to take a new activity or a sport up as a hobby.” The Young Journalists led a special session for the younger pupils. In our sessions, the children explored different aspects of journalism, including interviewing skills, the Inverted Triangle of Journalism and planning their very own article based on a fun headline. This activity went down really well and the students enjoyed interviewing their friends about silly news article titles such as: “Are Teachers Secretly Robots?”, “New Legislation Demands That All Schools Have a Wiggle Room for Restless Kids” and “Six Month Summer Holidays for Lincolnshire Schools”! This not only made their questions more interesting but made the experience of interviewing incredibly fun, because they got a wide range of opinions on these matters from teachers and friends from their school, meaning they could then write an article about the subject when they had done all their research. One Year 3 told us that “[she] loves the certificate awarded at the end of the session! It makes [her] feel like a real journalist.” The entire day seemed to be a huge success – students were excitedly hopping from one new hobby to another, making friends with students from different local schools and engaging with all the sessions. Evidently this is a very popular opportunity that all the students at Cranwell, and their visitors, enjoy immensely. The Young Journalists Club have their fingers crossed for being able return again next year for another fun-filled activity day teaching younger pupils the joys of journalism! By the KSHS Young Journalists